As specialists in rare films we're venturing in to the pre-cert video world. All of these transfers should be either public domain or out of rights. We have used the original sleeve artwork where possible. All the original videos we have transferred in this list will be from the early VHS era from 1975 to 1985. Titles will be added regularly throughout summer 2022 and updates will be sent out via our newsletter. Click on the title to read the synopsis.
Blood Bride (1982) - VHS to DVD conversion of the VIPCO video release
Home for the Holidays (1972) - Superb print of this under-rated made for tv movie. Note the artwork is a resized scan of the vidmark vhs sleeve and the font size overlaps the dvd spine.
Inn of the Damned (1975) - VHS transfer of this Australian classic, love it or hate, there's no