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Cavalry Scout [1951] [DVD]

Rod Cameron (actor)
Audrey Long (actor)

Format: all-region dvd (worldwide)
Runtime: 78 min
Quality: Excellent, 4:3, colour

A former Confederate officer changes sides, becoming a scout for the Union army. He is sent on a mission to recover three stolen gatling guns, which bandits intend to sell to hostile Sioux and Cheyenne tribes.

This minor western, photographed in the elementary Cinecolor process, centres around the efforts of an army scout (granite-faced Rod Cameron) to prevent stolen Gatling guns from falling into the hands of hostile Indians. Audrey Long is the trader whose wagons are being surreptitiously used to transport weapons by villain James Millican. A nice touch is the deliberate destruction of the army's Gatlings so that they can't be used by either side. Western, starring Rod Cameron, Audrey Long and Jim Davis.
Cavalry Scout [1951] [DVD]
Cavalry Scout
[1951] [DVD]
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